#12 - My Teacher Is An Alien by Bruce Coville - Read this one to my daughters. It was a favorite of mine when I was just a smidge older than they are. 6th grader Susan Simmons discovers that her new substitute teacher, Mr. Smith, is actually an alien named Broxholm, who is here on Earth to kidnap 5 students to bring into space with him! But how can she expose the truth about him? Not exactly great literature by any means, but a cute story and the kids liked it enough to ask me to borrow the rest of the "My Teacher" series from the library.

#13 - The Cool Side of My Pillow by Bruce Campbell - A very different book from my favorite actor. I've already read both of his autobiographies and his fiction novel. This one is a book of short essays - whatever happened to be on his mind at the time, I guess. It covers everything from Princess Diana's death (and why people's insatiable demand for celebrity news/pics is at least partly to blame) to UFOs to getting lost in the desert while out biking. If you follow Bruce on any kind of social media, you'll know he's blessedly quiet on his political leanings/beliefs/thoughts, so I was surprised to see a chapter dedicated to Politics. And then I laughed like a lunatic at the fact that the entire chapter spanned two completely blank pages - totally his sense of humor! Overall, I found myself entertained, even if I don't share his views on everything.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon