25) The Australian Victories in France in 1918 by General Sir John Monash as far as memoirs go this is one of the few that is not entirely self serving and champions the men who were fighting in the trenches in the closing months of WWI. General Sir John Monash in this book, recounts the battles in France in which Australian troops fought in and won in 1918.

26) Kokoda by Peter Fitzsimons like Gallipoli, Kokoda is one of those campaigns that is entrenched in Australian legend. For all I had read given my interest in WWII and in particular the War in the Pacific, I’ve never really known much about the Kokoda campaign. This is well written and reads like a novel so you never feel like you’re reading non-fiction.

27) Admiral of the Pacific the Life of Yamamoto by John Deane Potter the life and times of Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku. True to my interest in military history I always read books from both sides of the conflict. Though short, this book separates fact from fiction into the life of the man who masterminded the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Midway operation. While the names of the Japanese officers use the western derivation, this is still a good read.

Last edited by Crazy_Babe; 04/19/21 09:43 PM.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller