I am just in love with Martin's books. A real rare and lucky find. I devoured them all up to FoC in a matter of weeks and cannot wait until DoD next year. I've pre-ordered it from Amazon. It's been a while since I've been so taken with a fantasy series.

Isn't it awful when you loan out a book and it's not returned? I've been caught more than once with that over the years. I ended up having to replace the entire 5-book series of David Edding's Belgariad after I leant it en masse to a neighbour who then moved with them!

I'll be starting a new thread for books tomorrow - I've really enjoyed reading about what everyone else has been reading throughout 2008 and it's even netted me a good book now and then.

Anyone out there a fan of Cornelia Funke or who is reading Inkheart? It was one of the gifts Stuart bought me for Christmas. He said it was a last minute impulse buy and he wasn't entirely sure I'd like it, but I'm loving every minute of it so far. And he's bought me Inkspell and Dragon Rider for my upcoming birthday (with a nudge or two laugh ). I have InkDeath pre-ordered on Amazon.

She looks like a real find and I can't wait to read more. No spoilers, please, if you're a fellow fan!

Happy reading for 2009!

LabRat smile

ETA: BTW, I posted earlier that Jeffrey Deaver's The Sleeping Doll was on my wish list and I was looking forward to reading more about Kathryn Dance. Well, shortly after that I found a brand new copy in my charity shop. I love when that happens. laugh Really enjoyed it, just as I suspected I would. I hope he writes more using this new character in the future.

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers