OK, I know it's July and I don't have any chance of hitting the 50 mark. But to start:

1. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows. Thank God for the library. I loved it, and desperately want to own it, but can't afford it.

2. Evan Handler - Time On Fire: My Comedy Of Terrors. A great book by the guy who plays Harry in Sex & The City, who I think would make a great Lex Luthor (certainly better than Kevin Spacey anyway), it tells of his struggle with Leukemia and how he overcame it. A must read. I look forward to reading his second book. A lot.

3. George Orwell: Animal Farm.

4. George Orwell: 1984.

5: George Orwell: Down & Out In Paris & London.

6. Spider-Man: Secret Of The Sinister Six. It's a novel, so it counts.

7. Does my own unpublished book count? If so, that goes at number 7. If not, I'll come up with a 7 later.