Here's the addition to my list:

The Golden Compass (Northern Lights) - Philip Pullman
The Subtle Knife - Philip Pullman
Twist of Fate - Mary Jo Putney
The Positronic Man - Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg
Full Bloom - Jayne Ann Krantz
The Amber Spyglass - Phillip Pullman
Randall Pride - Judy Christenberry

I have to say, I wasn't really impressed by the His Dark Materials trilogy. It had nothing to do with the religious connections and everything to do with the way the characters acted.

The Positronic Man is based on a short story by the same name, and is the basis for the movie Bicentennial Man. The beginning of the book is very like the movie, but the last half is different. It's really an interesting look at the question "what is humanity". I kept comparing Andrew to Sonny in I, Robot, and of course to Data in Star Trek. Andrew, like Sonny, shows the ability to be more than other robots like him, and like Data, wants to be more human.

I foresee a lot of romance novels in the near future, as my aunt has shipped a whole box to my mom. Though I may take some time out to reread The Dark Is Rising sequence, since I'm in the mood for a really good children's novel. And I cleaned out a book stall in the local flea market of all of her Jim Butcher books (which was sadly only 4), and I picked up 2 books of his that I hadn't read yet.

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited