10. Dexter in the Dark- Jeff Lindsay

I FINALLY finished this one Sunday afternoon after trying to read it since spring break. It was really good, don't get me wrong. I've just been preoccupied.

11. Blood Noir- Laurell K. Hamilton

This is book number 16 in the Anita Blake series, my absolute favorite books ever. I devour them like they're my favorite candy. I started it Sunday afternoon and finished it yesterday (Monday) afternoon.

12. Twilight- Stephenie Meyer

I'm including this one because I will be finished with it in the next 6 hours, at the most (I'm including sleeping time here, since I haven't done that yet).

Apparently this book has been wildly popular, though how it managed to escape from my radar with it being a vampire love story (I love vampires like I love Superman) is beyond me. There's even a movie due out this December. It's sooo good. I started it yesterday about 5 minutes after I finished Blood Noir and have pretty much read nonstop (I have not been to sleep yet. I've read 325 pages of it since I started it 12-ish hours ago).


Because I am oblivious I hadn't even realized that the last several posts in this thread had been about Twilight and it's forthcoming movie, haha. Anyway, I finished it a couple hours ago and loved it. I'm a sucker for a vampire love story. I just loved watching the progression of their relationship and think it's incredibly sweet how much they care for each other.

I don't think the movie is going to be that bad. The author was on set the whole time so it can't really deviate from the book any more than she wants it to. Everyone seems really well casted, and I like Catherine Hardwicke as a director. She does good work.

PS: Labrat- I'm so glad you liked Dexter. Definitely try to find the other two, they are just as entertaining.

Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar!
(About Lois & Clark)
Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them.
Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots.
Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
Jimmy: Man, me too!