Oooooh, updates! Keep them coming - I love reading about what everyone else is reading!

I've more or less given up on updating because I'm aware that my main choice of genre isn't one that many people here are interested in. But I have come across two new favourite authors recently:

First is Mark Billingham. Thrillers set in the UK are generally of less interest to me than those set in the US, but his Tom Thorne series is clearly in the exception group if the rest of them are as enjoyable as the one I picked up recently.

"Lazybones" is the third in the series and I've put the rest on my wish list at Amazon.

And it's been waaaaaaaaay, way too long, but I've finally found a new SFantasy series that I just absolutely adore.

I picked up George R. R. Martin's A Feast For Crows at my charity shop recently and didn't realise until I got it home that it was book 5 in his A Song Of Ice and Fire series. A quick skim through the first couple of pages convinced me that this was something special that I wouldn't want to spoil. So I put it back down and bought book 1.

And I am well and truly hooked. Enchanted. Enthralled. Can't get enough. I bought book 3 two weeks ago, but have refused to read it because I don't want to get through this too quickly goofy Especially with the next book not out till April '09.

But I am going to cave soon, I think. laugh So far, I've just loved every single minute of these, I adore all the characters and it's had me on the edge of my seat, with my heart in my mouth, more times than I can count.

Plus - dragons. That was all he needed to hook me right there, really. laugh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers