From the last thread:

ETA: By the way, JoJo, was that the first time you'd read [i]Dragonflight, or had you read it before? Have you read any of the rest of the Pern series? I've read the whole thing (plus anything else I've been able to get my hands on by Anne McCaffrey, and I absolutely adore it! I have to say though, that Anne McCaffrey is only my second favorite author, but she comes in very close after Orson Scott Card.
No I read this book through the White Dragon when I was in High school. I also read the bard versions of the events. My library only had random ones of the series after that and I never finished. I want to try to read more of them this year. smile

My list for this year so far:

1. Kiss of Midnight (The Midnight Breed, Book 1) by Lara Adrian
2. It Happened One Autumn (Wallflower Quartet, Bk. 2) by Lisa Kleypas
3. Devil in Winter (Wallflower Quartet, Bk. 3) by Lisa Kleypas
4. Scandal in Spring (Wallflower Quartet, Bk. 4) by Lisa Kleypas
5. Someone to Watch over Me by Lisa Kleypas
6. Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale by Holly Black
7. Valiant: A Modern Tale of Faerie by Holly Black
8. Ironside: A Modern Faery's Tale by Holly Black

I really enjoyed the books by Holly Black. I hope she continues to write this series. ^__^

Currently I am reading: Beauty by Robin McKinley since I have gotten into the retelling of fairy tails. Anyone know of any other good ones along that vein?

Also Labrat: as for the Dark Materials books... I too made it through the first book and thought it was an okay story. The second book I was okay with until about halfway through and then not only did I struggle with the writing style but at the end of the book I decided not to read the last one because the plot line was just to nonsensical to me. Let me know if you finish the third one though. I'd like your opinion of it as I made just give it another go.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!