Lab, what's a pot noodle?
It's a UK institution and fast food meal, Toc. It's a plastic pot containing 'dehydrated mixture of wide noodles, textured soya pieces, and vegetables, available impregnated with a variety of seasoning powders (Beef and Tomato, Chicken and Sweetcorn) and accompanied by a sachet of sauce (Soy, tomato, curry.' You tear off the foil top, fill with boiling water from the kettle, stir, add the sauce, and, hey presto, a hot meal ready to be eaten.

I actually only love the beef and tomato flavour, I have to say. :p And having just read the above description, I'm wondering why I like even that. goofy I won't tell you what Stuart calls them, but it's pretty gross.

They were first introduced in 1979, IIRC, and have a very bad press. goofy They were satirized on TV comedy shows and were generally given the reputation of only being eaten by very, very sad people who didn't have a life and students who couldn't afford to eat better. laugh A website I found said they were a 'Raman-style snack' if that helps. No idea what Raman is.

The current ad campaign for Pot Noodles actually captitalises on this reputation, showing people being ashamed of the fact that they can't resist eating them.

And in recent years they've expanded the range with things like Pot Snack, Pot Rice and so on.

Dave Lister (of Red Dwarf fame) maintains that Pot Noodles don't qualify as foodstuffs.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers