Cheese curds, huh? Sounds awful when you say it that way, but I, for one, like cottage cheese (although I generally add maple syrup to it).
Eek!!! Paul!! Maple syrup on cottage cheese?! razz Personally, I find that pineapple tidbits and a touch of cinnamon tastes *much* better. Some weird <g> people at my last job would put salsa in their cottage cheese! Blech!

I put ketchup on my french fries (chips) and on my hamburgers and hotdogs. But I put tomato sauce on top of my spaghetti (which I imagine a lot of people outside the US call marinara sauce).
Well...actually, Lynn, there is tomato sauce and there is marinara sauce...and meat sauce and...well I could go on laugh . /me raises her hands...yeah? So what if I work at the Olive Garden? <g> Tomato sauce more smooth in texture...I imagine pureed tomatoes or tomato paste with water mixed in. Now marinara sauce OTOH, is more chunky in texture, often with diced onions and mild spices added in. But...this is what I know of US "Italian food" (though...they do say that all our recipies come from the Olive Garden Culinary Institue in Tuscany ...but I've gone on *far* too much about this laugh ).

But rotflol at this:

We (and probably the Italians) would expect marinara to have something marine-related in it, like fish or shell-fish.
Makes sense to me, Yvonne. Silly Americans!! :rolleyes:

Sara (who's now starting to wonder if she should ask El what all these Italian words on most of the wine bottles mean...then I can impress my managers laugh )

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