Replying to Rat, who posted this... oh, at least 15 posts ago wink

Reading on further - okay Wendy surprised me by her reply, I have to say. <G> But all of you got me confused as I thought I'd mentioned in the story it was a heart. So I had to go back and check and realised where you might have been confused. A heart with the legend XX L YY inside it is so familiar to me, that it never occurred to me it wasn't something extremely common to anyone else. If you want a visual image, go to the part seven fdk folder where Lynn very helpfully provided one. Thanks, Lynn! <G>

With Wendy having entirely the wrong idea, I'm now beginning to wonder if XX L YY (XX loves YY) is something more Scottish than generally UK. And now I'm intrigued. Any other non-Scottish UKers who used to chalk this configuration on pavements and walls when they were kids? <G> And if you didn't use L, what did you use? That American +?
No, I've never seen an L used in that way, Rat, which I guess is why I automatically thought that you'd been indicating that Lois wrote:

[Linked Image]

I've only ever seen it with a heart between the initials; never with an L or a +


Wendy smile (now going back to read the rest of the thread wink )

Just a fly-by! *waves*