In Scotland, how vast are the accents? Many different types?
Yes, there are a lot of regional accents in Scotland. You'll find Scots from Aberdeen speak differently from those who live in Oban. Those who live in Glasgow have a different accent from those who live in Edinburgh.

In fact, it goes right down to the local area; it's not just restricted to cities and regions. My accent is a strange mix of Glaswegian and something unique to where I live in Cumbernauld (a new town set up in the sixties which was a satellite town of Glasgow and which attracted many Glasgow families out to live in). And curiously enough, for no reason I've been able to fathom, just in the past year I've started gravitating to using Glasgwegian words a lot more than I ever have in my life. I think it's another sign of getting old. goofy

And I once spent some time with a girl from a small village called Denny during a school activities weekend and came back talking with a Denny accent for a while until it faded. So the no of Scottish accents is about as numerous as the Scots who speak them, I guess.

And it's not just accents but dialect and language too which vary from city to city, region to region.

LabRat smile (doing her bit to make this thread 100 posts wink

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers