Warning: This one's PG-13. I'm pretty sure. It's kind of on the line. If anyone objects, don't hesitate to let me or the mods know.

(In case you were wondering, that was the sound of Strawberry Tea being spewed across the computer monitor laugh )

Okay, I'm gonna attempt one!

Lois: Oh thank goodness! I was starting to get strange looks...

Superman: Thanks. Did you perform CPR?

Lois: Yeah. Of all the places for a Kryptonian heart to be!

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*