Clark: Dr. Klein, can you keep a secret?

Bernie: Well, to tell you the truth, probably not, but I'll do my best...

Clark: ... Good enough. Better than I'd get out of any of the people around here. Reporters are so focused on inside information that no secret is really safe.

Bernie: Yeah, I see how that would be. We have kind of the same thing at STAR Labs. But what is it you wanted to tell me?

Clark: *looks around, to make sure there's no one listening in* I'm...

Bernie: Yes...?

Clark: Going to propose to Lois!

Bernie: Uhm, Clark, I don't know how to tell you this. As a doctor, I probably shouldn't. But as your friend, I think you need to know...

Clark: Uh-oh. This doesn't sound good...

Bernie: Yeah. Uhm... Hoo boy... Clark, I've been asked to do some confidential testing. To see if... To see if Superman and a woman I'm pretty sure is Lois Lane are... biologically compatible. I'm sorry. But I can't in good conscience allow you to go on with these plans without knowing that...

Clark: Wow. You're right...

Bernie: *sigh* Yeah, I...

Clark: You really can't keep a secret.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.