Lex: okay, okay, okay *weary parental sigh* I'll play pretend World Wrestling Federation with you one more time. But this time I get to be the Undertaker and you ...

Shmuperman: No, daddy, no: I really wanna try my pinning headlock elbow drop on you tonight *thud*

Sorry, but this reminded me of the time when my sister and I used to watch wrestling on TV (early, early in my youth, which was aeons ago since I'm almost as old as Paul goofy ).

I hadn't thought about this in a long time, but it was so cool back then: the Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Brad "the Hitman" Hart and of course the British Bulldog smile

I can't believe we fell for that wink

P.S. I actually researched this caption so a "pinning headlock elbow drop" is a legitimate professional wrestling attack (at least according to Wikipedia).


P.P.S. I just re-read the other captions - gr8shades I honestly didn't see yours before (at least not consciously), I was too distracted by your man boobs wink
But for the record (and not to let all my important, yet unused "research" for the caption above go to waste): when Vatman aired, it was still WWF, not WWE. They changed their name in 2002. /end wise ass mode

kill a cliché, save a reader