Let me just say that I love this folder, and the reason why I so rarely participate is that I don't know where to find any good LnC pictures to post! Where do the rest of you find yours?

The latest captions were all funny, as usual. My favorites were Cheeseofthemonth and Woody. It was so funny, and somehow melancholy, that Clark would go home to his parents and complain that they were cancelling the show and he'd never get to wear his blue spandex again! And to think that they cancelled the show because Teri was pregnant, right after they had told us that Lois and Clark couldn't have children! I can hear Tempus somehow, telling us that he loves irony...

And Woody, that reference to Clark in Sue's closet, and the story that DJ wrote for her when she was ill, was just great! Ah, Sue, where are you now?
