But, soft... What light from yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Super Romeo is...

Jimmy, what are you doing?

It's my new play. An adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, but with Superman and...

Please don't tell me there's a Lady Loisette and a Squire James.

How did you know?

*sigh* Call it a lucky guess. But why are you...?

Think about it. The balcony scene? It's perfect. Superman flies through that window up there all the time. And everyone knows he's solar powered. So the comparison to the sun works on a whole other level.

I... guess. But isn't Romeo supposed to be the one on the ground for that scene?

Well, yeah. But... hmm... Hey! Maybe there's two of them! They could be the Super Romeo Brothers!

Jimmy, I'm curious. What did you do last night?

Huh? Oh, I had to go down to STAR Labs to take some pictures. Apparently, they were mixing that stuff from the Space Rats with Miranda's pheromones to see... Well, I'm not sure, exactly. One of the beakers exploded while they were trying to explain it, and I don't really remember what happened after that. Why do you ask?

No reason. Excuse me, I have to go... make some phone calls...

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.