He trusted her vision then, too, but he had already given his word to take care of Nightfall.
I still think he should have tired harder to figure out a way out.

SUPERMAN: I stopped by Clark's apartment and gave him my suit after the mission and told him that I was going to spend a few days meditating and healing in Nepal. Apparently, he's forgotten this.
That would probably work. I guess he can claim Clark was doing street interviews all day.

Lois:then why didn't he turn any in to Perry?

Clark:I guess I lost my notes when I was kidnapped.

You'd think she'd be going after him as SM again? Yeah, and you'd probably be correct too.
Well, you could have just avoided any Lois point-of-view sections, so we did not know what Lois really thought. That was what I was thinking about, not Lois actually not knowing The Secret, just us not knowing that Lois knows the Secret.

He tortured her, now she gets to torture him back.
Clark:I never meant to torture her. I was really going to tell her early on, until I got hurt by realizing she was fake kissing me and fake pretending to date me so she could be with Superman.

Reader:So he was mad that she was pretended to be with him so she could really be with him. I still think it would have been much easier to tell her The Secret.

CLARK: Because it was sooooo true when Lana said it?
But Lois has no problem with any part of you, she enjoys the Super-side. I guess to understand Clark we need to in part appreciate how much of a number Lana did on him. Hmm, that what is canon-Clark's excuse for being a total lunkhead in relation to Lois.

Do you really want to tell Clark he doesn't really have any control over his life? eek
Well, he has infleuence, but he is not in control, no one is ultimately in control.

she still thinks of Clark as her boyfriend.
Well, she knows this break-up is just a ruse.
Sadly Clark did not hear that part.

Lois:Or that you are Clark.

Oh, there are so many places where she could drop that line.
evil Oh, she's allowed to say it again, then?
On the other hand, his superheading means she can only do it once. Well, unless she figures out a really oblique way to do it, so he will only half suspect.

He did call her apartment, but she was in the shower. So, he tried her cell phone and left a message there and then at the DP.
That gives me more hope for Clark. ALthough he probably should have left a message on her answering machine.

Making love with Lois is more fun than going back to Kansas.
CLARK: Unless, of course, she dies. Then not so much.
I had forgotten he had told his parents about the curse.

Jonathan:Most men like to see their wives.
M&J know Jerome and Lois aren't married. Lois told them this while they were in Smallville.
OK, so I should have had that be a line by Thomas.

Actually, I played around with it in one of my stories. I don't remember if it made it to the final draft. Lois called him Smallville, and in return he called her Metropolis.
It would make the most sense if he did that during GGGoH, or someohter time they are out of town.

John Pack Lambert