The last time Superman had seen Lois, they had kissed on the rooftop shortly after he had returned from stopping the smaller Nightfall asteroid.[Quote]

Fortunatly she knew The Secret then, otherwise he really would have shot himself in the foot.

[Quote]He hadn’t recovered his memories yet at that point, and had said some pretty stupid things for Superman. He hoped Lois didn’t remember.
I am sure she remembers. Although shouldn't he want her to remember Superman's stupidity so she will like Clark more?

“Feeling better?” Lois asked.

So much for that hope.
He should suspect that she figured out from his out of it responces to her on the roof if nothing else. He should assume Lois would try to manipulate knowing the secret to her own advantage.

“Yes, thank you. I’m sorry about the other day…” he started to say, but she waved off his apology.
So either she knows the secret or she is not really mad that Superman kissed her despite her protestations she was in love with another man.

“Let’s not talk about that here,” she murmured, glancing down at her notebook, and he nodded.
It might learn to other people realizing the Secret.

but she said that her husband, Raj, was on the way from his office and that he would take her.
I'm half surprised it is take her and not "give her a checkup". OK, not all Indians I have known have been doctors, the other half were engineers. OK, that is not quite true either, but definately in the late 1990s I would have said so.

He works in the computer software division of LexCorp,” Superman said, getting down to brass tacks.
Now that fits the stereotypes of Indians I have known. Much better than Asabi.

“I like it when you use the human shield move,” Lois murmured,
Has he ever been a human shield for Lois? The thing that came to my mind fastest here was his violating his bail terms during MoSB, but I am not sure he acted as a human shield there.

Is Lois flirting with me? Superman wondered.
Yes, but she knows the Secret, so she probably can't fully help it.

He hoped not.
dance tell her the truth Clark.

but he didn’t want to do so as Superman.
Already failed that plan, he let her know the truth as Superman.

He felt that he should tell her in the persona he truly was, which was Clark, not Superman.
I think telling her which persona is the key, not which persona he is in. Anyway once he says "Lois, I'm Clark", he can speed-change into Clark.

Superman was the fake persona; therefore, he shouldn’t be the one doing the revealing. By saying ‘Lois, I’m Clark’, it felt as if he was telling her that Clark was the fake persona,
Actually I see it the other way around. If SM says "I'm Clark" he seems to be asserting that as the real identity.

and that wasn’t true. Or did he have that backwards? By saying, as Clark, ‘Lois, I’m Superman’ was he telling her that Clark was the false persona?
Actually I think the key is to tell her which persona is real. However he really can't do that unless he tells her about alt-dimension, so he needs to prepare to tell her lots, definately more than she knows.

Anyway, ‘Clark’ was in Smallville visiting the Kents, so he couldn’t show up to have that conversation with Lois at the moment.
But that would be a way to make sure she would have to accept the reality of her knowing. It would make it impossible for her to claim continued ignorance.

Not that she would speak to him after hanging up so rudely on Jonathan this morning.
Clearly that theory fails since she knows CK=SM, and is speaking to him. Although since she is pretending she does not know, it does limit her ability to be make at SM for CK's actions.

“Yes. I also examined his hand with my microscopic vision, and his palm is no more scalded than if he had picked up a pot by its handle and then dropped it when he discovered it was hot,”
You know, I sort of don't think it made sense for Clark to heat up the gun that way. However he did it on occason in canon, so I guess it is in character. Other times he just let the criminals run down their own amunition, and I don't recall that the differences ever really made sense. On the other hand, LnC was strong on Clark, weak on Superman, so I often avoid trying to make sense out of SMs actions in the series.

John Pack Lambert