NR:Don't hold your breath. She will not see the truth about Luthor until she can overcome her pride that keeps her from admitting she does not see the truth. I liked "Another Lois" description of why Lois did not see the truth of Luthor.
Because Lex "died". Thanks. laugh
Actually, I had forgotten about Lex "dieing". No I was refering to Bobby Bigmouth's (I think) description of why he did not tell Lois the truth, because she was too proad and stubborn to be willing to see it.

PR:Hopefully Wrong Clark can be right in not sending Lois on a course to Luthor.

NR:Don't hold your breath. If that were the case won't he be Right Calrk?
I love all the different ways you find for Clark to be "Wrong".

CLARK: Yeah, gee, thanks, John. Here's another ocean worth of salt to rub in my wounds.
PR:Hey, Clark hasn't really sent Lois to Luthor. I mean she isn;t engaged to him yet.

Clark: shock No, please, never. Never let that happen.

Because he truly believes it and isn't saying it just to flatter her (like he would with Lana).
Thus I was going for the thought that it is true and not flattery.

Clark:Yes, she does not have the resolve to refuse to call me by my name.
See note above about Bob and Bart.
Clark:I am still going to hope this is a little victory. I am trying to find some hope.

Is Bureau 39 really part of the goverment at all?
Unoffically. Like Area 51.
Hmm, Area 51 is actually officially part of the Nevada Test Site, which is without question a government operation. Now, what actually goes on in Area 51, that is another question.

LOIS: Who said I suddenly had to be truthful?
PR:No, Lois we did not say you had to be truthful. We are just glad that you are being mostly truthful with Jimmy.

John Pack Lambert