FDK - Cont. -

In Smallville? Hmm, actually at the Corn Fest time might make sense. Some of the kids would probably jump at the chance to join the military.
Yep, recruitment officers like coming to all sorts of community events.

And Jimmy will assume that is where he grew up. Hmm, this will make it so Lois may have Jimmy and Perry thinking she is the crazy one, claiming Clark is not from Smallville.
And this is different from yesterday, how?

Why doesn;t she also call Perry? Also, does Jimmy have a cell phone?
She figures that the phone call to Perry will take longer.

Well, Wayne probably does not have a cell phone. If she was by city hall she would probably have good reception.
In 1993, it's doubtful more than a handful of people in Smallville have cell phones.

If she had realized how important it was that Trask not find it, maybe she would have revealed her and Thomas postion to get captured instead of Wayne leading Bureau 39 to the Kent farm.
It wouldn't have stopped B39 from looking ahead to see what's further on down the road. It would have just led to her being captured too.

Oh, because she knew the rock was connected to Superman, because they found some with baby Clark, although they did not know it was what killed him.

Of course, Thomas does not realize that they only meant to bring Jerome to help. Lois coming was no more part of Martha's plan than it was part of Clark's plan.
Lois isn't good at relaying messages. wink

Martha:well, he is the last person who believes Jerome and Lois are married. We don;t want to blow his whole cover.

PR:Don't Hank and Lana believe Jerome and Lois are married.

Martha:Oh, did Jerome spread the lie of his marriage in town too?Soon Maisie will be by asking how our farm hand maanged to marry the Daily Planet's top reporter.

Jonathan:We could tell her that our farm hand also happens to be Metropolis's second rank reporter, Clark Kent.

Martha:No, that will never work. Maisie knows my maiden name is Clark. Even if we can obsure how often Jerome helps out here, that will just open more questions than we want. Nope, not happening.
First off, they are NOT contemplating killing Thomas to save Clark's identity. WHY wouldn't a farm hand and a reporter hook up? Love has no bounds.

I guess know we know where Clark gets his absolutely refusal to kill anyone.
CLARK: Do I need a reason to see that it's wrong?

Good point. Although destroying the rock seems the best course of action. It is not like then can beat back the B39 hordes with one rifle.
How does one destroy it without getting fragments all over one's clothing or spreading the fragments around? Also, not enough time. They'll destroy it later.

Clark:Well, you could give him more clues on the type of people it sickens.

Jonathan:We are much better at gaurding your secret than some people.

Canon Lois:It is not my fault that alt-Clark got exposed. What was I supposed to do, not call for help as I was falling to my death. Anyway you don't know anything about that.
It's not Lois's fault that Tempus outed him. It's Tempus's fault.

Thomas is 50% to figuring out Jerome is Superman. This means that at the current rate things are going soon all of Smallville will "know" that Lois Lane is the wife of Superman.
Let's hope that Thomas doesn't read the Daily Planet.

Jonathan:We might have something else in our barn that is harmful to Superman. On second thought, no.
Wood shaving? Straw? Oats? Feed? Chickens? That candy bar Jonathan snuck out there the day he fell off the ladder that Martha doesn't know about?

Wouldn't she say "the glowing rock" or is she trying to emphasize a connection between the glow and Jerome's condition?
Yep. It wasn't the "rock" but the "glow", because Jerome's eyesight is so sensative to bright lights. wink

Hmm, are they afraid that Thomas telling this will blow Jerome's cover, or is it more that they want to keep the fact that things can hurt Superman secret.
They don't want him to spread it around that the rock hurts Jerome, because it might also get out that the rock hurts Superman, letting anyone Thomas told know that Jerome = Superman.

Clark:I am not sure, but I am afraid that Thomas will fail in keeping this information from Lois.
Isn't that part of the guy code? Not to tell another man's wife his secrets, if he doesn't want her to know?

Clark:Yes, they have a plan. Maybe being a prisoner is not as bad as I though. Other people seem to be doing better than me at planning.
TEMPUS: Everyone is a better planner than you, Clark. You're Superman! Superheroes don't plan, they act.

Didn't she tell him the Sherrif would be no help.
LOIS: Ooopps.

Really missing the point there Jimmy. Yes, I know its canon. But in canon Jimmy was not racing against a car impounding either.
The sheriff never said that the car wouldn't be impounded by the story, only that he'd listen to Jimmy's emeregency in granting lienency to the fine.

Still not making this clear. Kidnapped would be a better term.
Still canon, I believe.

He has not make it clear his friend was kidnapped by an army of lunatics. He has only mentioned one man. Even if Sherrif Harris believes him and wants to do something, which are both doubtful, at this point it sounds like something the Sherrif's office can take care of.
We now all know why Jimmy will be known for his photography and not his writing. He's not very good at cutting to heart of the matter.

Slightly better, but still not getting to the core of the issue. Also the mention of Kent and Irig were not wise.
Jimmy's not up on local politics.

Too bad Jimmy did not show him photos.
1993. No digital cameras. Film is still the norm.

Max probably gave them this idea.
No, but he believes it wholeheartedly.

I am pretty sure that EPA agents do not have a right to arrest.
Max isn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox.

It is still illegal to kidnap people for it. Plus, it is not tresspassing if you don't own the land. Jimmy has done a really poor job in saying who Clark Kent is.
Sheriff Max: You say "kidnap", I say "detain". It is tresspassing if it's a closed government site, not open to the public.

Jimmy would have been a lot smarter to go with the term "work college" here. He should emphasize for the record that Clark Kent is also a reporter with the daily planet.
Like that would really matter away from the Big City.

Max has so much blood on his hands a little more will not phase him.
Sheriff Max: I haven't killed anyone! Liable! Slander! Arrest that Commenter!

I do not believe he can construe anything as a threat. Hopefully this over-the-top action will lead to his being removed from office. However I have my doubts.

Hmm, I guess he could have gotten a new name on coming to this dimension. However then he would have needed a fake drivers license, instead of just using one that did not officially exist.
Plus, a lot more lies.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.