Jimmy pulled his rental car up to next to the park in the center of town where he saw the sheriff’s patrol car.
Oh no, doesn't he know how bad this idea is.

Lois said Army recruitment officer, but surely the sheriff would be better.
Didn't she tell him the Sherrif would be no help. Our only hope is he just mentions Clark being kipnapped, and forgets to say Clark's last name. Oh wait, I do not think there is any hope of that.

“I’m looking for the sheriff,” he told the man, who was shorter than Jimmy and seemed a bit young for the title. He must be the deputy.
Jimmy, always making false assumptions as to who the Sherrif is. Strike one against any help.

“Yo, Jacobs, take this yokel’s car and impound it, will you?” Sheriff Harris said to another uniformed man nearby, tossing him Jimmy’s keys. “It’s parked illegally.”
Yes, Maxwell has already been shown to be less helpful than Rachel. In the same situation Rachel had the car moved to a legal parking spot, not impounded.

“Okay, there’s this guy, his name is Trask. He thinks that there are UFOs. I mean, there are UFOs, but this guy collects them. Anyway,
Really missing the point there Jimmy. Yes, I know its canon. But in canon Jimmy was not racing against a car impounding either.

he’s here in Smallville, and he’s got my friend,
Still not making this clear. Kidnapped would be a better term.

and if we don’t save him now, he’s going to be toast. Do you know how to call the Army?”

Sheriff Harris sighed incredulously.

“The National Guard? We’re going to need helicopters,” Jimmy continued, but seeing Sheriff Harris’s expression, he doubted he was going to get the help CK needed.
He has not make it clear his friend was kidnapped by an army of lunatics. He has only mentioned one man. Even if Sherrif Harris believes him and wants to do something, which are both doubtful, at this point it sounds like something the Sherrif's office can take care of.

“You’re not from around here, are ya?” the sheriff said wryly.
Obviously not. He expects that Sherrif to intervene in kidnapping situations and try to maintain law and order.

Sheriff Harris held up his hand to stop him. “You’re from Metropolis? And you come here, expecting me to be some backwards country hick, stupid enough to believe this load of horse manure about some man looking for UFOs in Smallville?” He rolled his eyes with a shake of his head. “This isn’t an emergency. You’re wasting my time.”
Good point. Jimmy should never have mentioned UFOs. He should have gone with my friend was put in chains by a group of armed assailants.

“My friend CK, Clark Kent, is being held hostage by this Trask fellow,” Jimmy said, trying to get his information through this man’s thick skull. “Trask’s got a bunch of soldiers out at the Irig farm and has been digging it up looking for something. Lois Lane is out there, trying to find out what. Trask will probably kill CK and Lois Lane too, if they catch her spying on them. These guys are starting to pack up as we speak. If we don’t hurry, it will be too late.”
Slightly better, but still not getting to the core of the issue. Also the mention of Kent and Irig were not wise.

“The Kents and the Irigs?” Sheriff Harris said, grinding his teeth together. “First of all, get your facts straight, city boy. It’s the EPA digging up at the Irig farm, not some wacko guy with soldiers.
Too bad Jimmy did not show him photos.

I’ve seen the paperwork. I even approved it.
Totally not surprising.

Irig’s been poisoning the drinking water with his pesticides.
Max probably gave them this idea.

Secondly, if someone held Wayne Irig and some Kent I’ve never heard of hostage, they probably deserved it, broke some law or something.
I am pretty sure that EPA agents do not have a right to arrest.

Ever hear about trespassing? It’s a big deal here in the country, not that it means anything to a big city reporters like you and this Lane woman.
It is still illegal to kidnap people for it. Plus, it is not tresspassing if you don't own the land. Jimmy has done a really poor job in saying who Clark Kent is.

The Kents and Irigs are a bad lot, and we’ve been trying to rid our county of them for a decade. So, if some government agents want to arrest…”
It appears that Max has no concept of what the rule of law really means. He is also very bigotted if he assumes someone deserves punishment merely because of what their last name is.

“I never said Trask was a government agent,” Jimmy corrected him. “He’s posed as one before when he raided our offices in Metropolis searching for information on Superman. You’ve met him, haven’t you?” His gaze narrowed, having gotten a bead on this man. “He’s gotten to you, hasn’t he? Do you know that Trask is trying to find a way to kill Superman?”
This is not a very smart way to respond.

“Good riddance!” Sheriff Harris spat. “No good vigilante. Only helps out when he wants to. He’s only in it for the glory.” He pointed his finger at Jimmy. “Colonel Trask is a good, all-American man. You could learn something from likes of him.”
Max seems to excel as projection. He transfers his own motives to Superman.

Jimmy threw up his hands. “And you call yourself law enforcement? My friend is in real trouble,
Jimmy would have been a lot smarter to go with the term "work college" here. He should emphasize for the record that Clark Kent is also a reporter with the daily planet.

and if he gets killed by that whack-job, his blood will be on your hands,” he yelled at the man.
Max has so much blood on his hands a little more will not phase him.

“Now, I can’t even go help rescue my friends because you stole my rental car!”
Jimmy really needs to learn more about dealing with law enforcement. Max was 100% in the right to impound Jimmy's car.

Sheriff Harris grabbed Jimmy arm and pulled it behind his back. “You’re under arrest!”

“On what charges?” Jimmy countered. “Asking for help? Speaking the truth? That’s not against the law in this country, bub!”
Disorderly conduct.

“For threatening a law enforcement officer, namely myself,” Sheriff Harris said, snapping on handcuffs. “Please do yourself and the rest of us a favor, and keep your mouth shut, because anything else you say will be counted in the court of law against you…”
I do not believe he can construe anything as a threat. Hopefully this over-the-top action will lead to his being removed from office. However I have my doubts.

John Pack Lambert