FDK - Page 3 - Cont.

I think if he tells her the truth, she will eventually forgive him.
CLARK: Do you? Really? I think she'd stab me through with a Kryptonite dagger and think things over later.

Lois die again would make sense. However "his new dimension fols die again" seems a bit of an odd formation. It would seem more to the point to say "He couldn't let Lois and his folks die again".
Good point. Thanks, I'll change it.

But if he reaveals he is Superman, Trask will have no reason to keep Lois alive. If he does not know, than he will need to keep Lois alive to get more info.
Trask would have to capture her first.

Shoun't that be "Paper trails"?
grumble Darn spell checker! Never catching the meaning, only the spelling. Thank you.

Isn't him throwing her out of the plane enough evidence for an indictment?
No. She only has her, Clark's, and Superman's word against Trask's. He said/ she said.

Is she going to discover the SM to Smallville connection?
Yep, those are the Smallville files.

Lois won't get the files.
whinging that Clark does not hear this. It would really touch his heart to hear the concern on Lois' part. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">CLARK: Damn Kryptonite.

She is remembering from the last time this happened.

This plan makes no sense. Although I guess Trask is crazy enough that that does not matter.
Perhaps "threaten to kill the Kents" to get Clark to do his bidding. Time honored technique which, more often than not, works. Although, knowing Trask, he'd still end up killing everyone to get rid of those pesky loose ends.

PR: Lois recognizes that Clark loves her.
LOIS: Well, why wouldn't he?

frown she is still not accepting that he is Clark.
LOIS: Why should I?

This was especially unlikely with Jimmy's extremely poor description of the situation. Maybe Lois should have paid more attention to the disccuion of Max by Clark and the Kents
LOIS: Boring local politics. I wanted to get moving on the story!

she is getting away. Hmm, did she check to make sure no armed people were in the truck?
Ummm..... No.

So we end with Lois driving a track that may or may not have soldier in it. Virginia you do really like cliff hanger endings.
evil I have quite a few in a row coming up. But I promise, no more Wolfes. wink Well, not in Smallville, at least.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.