True, by the time Clark had met Lois, he had fallen out of love with Lana and felt himself trapped in a cage unable to escape.
frown for Clark. He lacked the resolve Martha and Jonathan gave canon Clark.

Had he only fallen for Lois because she unlocked his potential and set him free?
That was probably a factor, but not the factor.

He glanced back to where he had last seen Lois and felt that familiar tug at his heart. No, it had been more than gratitude.
Of course there is physical attraction. How could any man not be physically attracted to Lois?

There was just something about Lois that made it easier to breathe.
With the amount of trouble she gets herself into isn't it often harder to breath. dance Lois touched me, dance

“Jerome bumped his head last night,” Lois said, raising her hand to his face. “I knew we should’ve had you checked for concussion.”[Quote]

Lois is actualy right, she just does not yet know what caused him to collapse and bump his head.

[Quote]“I’m sorry. This is my husband, Jerome Lane. He’s kind of my guide for these parts. He spent some time here when he was younger,” Lois clarified, wrapping her arm around his waist.
Clark: dance Lois touches me more.

Clark knew she was only playing the part he had assigned her, but her touch helped soothe the turmoil inside of him.
Clark: Even better, she has toned down on the estranged wife Act.
Lois:Clark, just because I don't want everyone to know I am your estranged wife, does not mean we are going to share a bed.
Clark:I am taking little victories for now.
Lois:Well, those are the only ones you will get.

“I thought you called him ‘Chuck’?” Hank said, his brow furrowing.
Lois really does need to come up with a better cover story.

He held out his hand to Hank. “Sorry. Charles Jerome Lane.”
Well, I am not sure if this fully explains why Lois calls her "husband" both Jerome and Chuck. At least she did not also call him Clark at some point, then he would have to introduce himself as Charles Clark Jerome Lane. I guess since Lana and Hank probably do not know Mrs. Kent's maiden name it would not be too bad in that case.

John Pack Lambert