Hi Clark,

Unfortunately, Snell, like his former boss, decided to leave Lois to an underling. He knows who is watching her, but not where she is. If I go after the man watching her, he may panic and kill her.
Clark, have you been sleeping much lately? I'm getting worried about you, buddy!

Has it occured to you that, now that Snell has been arrested and is ratting out Intergang, his underling may already be panicking? Especially if he doesn't know how to think for himself -- or maybe worse, if he does? If he truly is a loose cannon who hasn't been keeping his boss up to date on her whereabouts, I don't think you can afford to *not* go after this man. (And I can't imagine Snell is keeping the man's name private, given everything he's telling about the big fish, Bill Church.) Please, don't let this lead go ... it sounds like all you have!

I'm sorry that you will have to disappoint Perry again about the Churches. He never seems to believe that his old friends can be involved in anything shady, and they always seem to be ... I hope he's developing a little better character judgement now that he's Mayor. BTW, he hasn't hired anyone by the name of Harland Black to manage the city's money, or Truman Black (hmm, interesting that they share the same last name; wonder if there's any relation) to be the city's anti-discrimination watchdog, has he?

Anyway, it's very interesting about Lex Luthor and Nigel St. John meeting their maker in their younger years. Yes, I bet you are right that Tempus had a hand in that. But that's even more reason you have to find Lois soon, Clark! If Tempus wanted her alive for a back-up plan, you never know when he might set it into place. Even if he's still in custody in Utopia, he may have rigged something to happen even if he couldn't be there to set it in motion -- a "poison pill", so to speak -- to keep you from finding her.

Oh, and as for this P.I., Linda King, is she in Metropolis or in the Congo? In most universes, she and Lois were college friends, very close until they both fell for the same guy and Linda stabbed Lois in the back (figuratively, not literally) to steal him away. So she might be of some help in getting background information on Lois in Metropolis, but I'm not sure what she could do in the Congo, since *you* seem to be the one who has the best chance of locating this guy who Snell had on Lois!

Please, let us know what you find out! And be sure to take care of yourself, too!
