Dear Mr Kent,

I was about to back up Braenna's idea and suggest you look for LL names, but as it didn't get you anywhere, how about WD names? I admit it's a bit far fetched, so here's the other options I had in mind.

it seems your Lois never "officially" reached Congo. So let's look at the facts impartially: maybe she died in Congo, which I don't think is the case. I mean you're a soulmates believer, so I guess if your heart tolds you your Lois is alive, she certainly must be.

Then, she might have discovered something more about that lead she had on the gun running story, while en route to Congo. If she's anything like the Lois we know, she certainly jumped both feet right in and, how could I put it, got into trouble, maybe got kidnapped As she disappeared 10 years ago, and considering we're in the 'she's still alive' option, she may suffer amnesia. Maybe her look has changed to, like Mr Wilson highlights it, she might have done something that could appear drastic from the way you imagined her, like cutting her hair short and dyed them red, blue, blond or all the three of that ,which, you must admit, could be a great match to your Superman Suit...whoops, seems I'm babbling again.

Then, she could also have decided to disappear for a while in order to have carte blanche on her gun story investigation, maybe she'll even show up in Metropolis once she's done with it.

I don't know what to tell you, but I have a question for you. Have you ever tried to restart her investigation the way she did it, from the beginning point to where she left it? You may find a detail that could also give you a lead on where to look for her...just my 2 cents thought.

Yours sincerely,


PS: Now that I think about it, talking to her sister was a good suggestion, but you may consider asking Perry White about her...