Inter-dimensional travel is a very serious business and it should not be left up to amateurs.
I, of course, am the happy exception to that rule. Utopia's peacekeepers would be quite lost without my assistance.

My dear boy, I sympathise with your frustration! It must be quite agonising to have your hopes raised and dashed by this alternate Lois. Rest assured, however, that I am diligently pursuing all options on your behalf. I might only meet with success mere seconds before you yourself effect a rescue, but I will no doubt be triumphant in the end.

You have surely observed how much I am exerting myself for you. I did, after all, seek out this forum a week before you did yourself! If that does not prove my persistence and time-traveling ability, I do not know what shall.

There is still the minor problem of determining which Clark you might be. Could you describe your Persian carpet to me? A comparison of woof and warp might be of assistance in the matter.

Chin up, dear boy! I hope to have news for you soon.

H.G. Wells

"Fools make researches and wise men exploit them." -- H.G. Wells, A Modern Utopia, ch. 2, sct. 5

"I love irony." -- Tempus, Tempus Fugitive