Dear Lois,
(I hope you allow me to call you with your first name)
we're all very happy to hear from you. It's too bad you couldn't give us more information.

OK maybe all this stuff about alternate universes, Superman etc. sounds weird - it is, after all. But I assure you that you can trust us. You don't know us, but no one of us would ever do you any harm. We all love you and we want to see you and Clark together.

my only problem now is to get out of this country I'm trapped in.
I think Superman could easily find you and take you away from there, if you could find a way to contact him - through this site, maybe? - and let him know exactly where you are. He'd take you back to Metropolis just in a blink. Right, Clark? wink
Oops... sorry Lois. I guess you don't want to leave behind your story. Still, Clark could give you a helping hand. Another Lois I know already knows how helpful a Clark Kent can be wink

OK we all hope we see you soon, away from trouble and with Clark by your side wink

AnnaBtG.(who thinks her admiration and love towards Lois and Clark are driving her insane)

What we've got here is failure to communicate...