
I'll never take a 4 days week-end again! Seems there's a lot I have to catch up with.

I was so excited to see Lois post here that I almost forgot to read the other posts (now I did!). I'm so disappointed that the Lois who poste here wasn't yours... on the other hand, you can call me evil, but if she had been, we wouldn't have the pleasure to help you out in finding yours wink Still I hope she'll manage to go back to "her universe" Metropolis alive, thanks to her Clark as a bonus (assuming he's flying around as a superhero that is).

Look at me, I disgressed again!


Anna's idea to keep an eye on Snell is a judicious one. But letting Burn and Claude ask Snell about Lois sounds a bit dangerous to me since it will put Snell on their track, and maybe on yours. That's the softer side. because you could also put Lois relatives and family in danger by doing so, assuming Lois is indeed free and not that closely watched.

Someone must have been pulling some strings for some reason, and it seems that they might have known about Lois's trip in advance, perhaps even before she did.
Did you find who the string puller was? Because if this person 'programmed' Lois departure to Congo that would mean this person (who reminds me a lot of our Lex Luthor or maybe Tempus) had planned things and had everything setted up for a very long time...and is also incredibly clever and craze!

The only question I have is "why?"

Obviously, getting Lois to the Congo has nothing to do with you or your alter ego. You mentionned

From my encounter with Tempus, I know that he wanted to keep Lois Lane away from me until he was ready for me to become Superman. His plot to gain political power hinged on my revealing my alien nature during a key point in the race for mayor of Metropolis. He wanted to make it look like I was a powerful alien invader that only he could stop.
In that case, given the fact that you are already Superman and that 'your' Metropolis people know about you being special, what has Tempus to gain in keeping your Lois away, and for four years (your time) no less! (or did I misunderstood something here?)

Did you also find the assumed name Lois is using? That could also be of a great help. But if your investigation pushed Snell to narrow his watch on her again, that means he knows about her assumed identity, right?

And did you find any trace of the stolen records? That could help Burn and Claude if nailing Snell is concerned.

If your Lois is like the one I know (and who just asked me to get in gear on "some written before it's over" story she wasn't in the mood for), I can't imagine her being fooled by false official documents, as good as they could be.

But if she was and believes that her relatives are dead, then she'l have nothing to loose in getting Snell down. She must already know about his illegal activities, otherwise, why would he have her watched?

What I can't explain is why did he let her go free in the beginning?

Sorry, I wasn't of a great help, but let us know about your quest.
