Wow! I'm amazed time in your Alt-universe passes so fast. it also seems I'm having a hard time picturing Perry, I mean Mr White as a Mayor. See, here, in my Metropolis, he's the editor in chief of the Daily Planet, one of the most respectable and reknowned newspaper in America... and a really easy person to talk to, despite his constant tendancy to relate big events (newsworthy or not) to 'the King's life...Is your White an Elvis Presley fan too? Because if he his, I can't think of a question to ask him but this one: "is Elvis alive in your Metropolis and did you ever met him?"

...I can imagine the face my Metropolis Perry would make if the answer was positive...but I'm disgressing.

About that novel, do you know if your Lois had a personnal laptop or home PC were she could have store a Wanda Detroit related story?

Taping a phone is as easy as picking up locks, though some super eavesdrop would perhaps be easier...or much more restricting, considering your 'other' job.

One last question, and don't mind telling me I'm too curious here but: what's *your* Mr White policy towards arms and guns dealers? Because if he's as a truth seeker as the Perry I know, you might consider joining your forces to dismantle Tempus's schemes...even under a more discreet guise...
