Working -- those 8 hours a day seem to spill over at times.

Getting the garden ready for fall planting. I picked all the apples, pomegranates, and olives and am working on processing them (olives take a while to become edible; I'm not sure what would happen if they were eaten fresh, and I don't aim to find out). There are lots of pomegranates this year, so lots of pomegranate jelly (so of course I need to bake bread to go with it). The apples will theoretically keep in a cool place, but the daytime temperatures are still in the 80's and 90's (or hotter), and there's no space in the refrigerator for them, so they are being made into dried apples and canned apple pie filling, but not applesauce -- these are baking apples and they're too dense to make good applesauce. I pulled out the summer vegetable plants and dug fresh compost into the planting beds, so now I'm waiting for it to be a little cooler before I plant the seeds (lettuce, spinach, chard, beets, snow peas, carrots, and onions), plus I already put in the potatoes and garlic I'm growing from potatoes and garlic cloves that I sprouted in the windowsill. I'm also picking lots of strawberries from plants I grow in the semi-shade of a pitiful looking juniper, though most don't make it into the house before I eat them.

Politics. I agreed to help a former student run for city council, and soon thereafter remembered why I don't get involved in politics. I hate phone banking and precinct walking, and dealing with some of the present city council members makes my patience and my internal censor disappear. I can deal with over-excited teenagers just fine; it's adults who drive me nuts.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland