Hmm. I mean, I guess I check on here when I can, but besides my one story that I've posted, I've felt pretty much absent from you guys for *months*. The rundown?



Best Friend's Wedding (and everything to prepare for said wedding-- we're the type of friends where I'm not the "have-a-nice-time" bridesmaid and more like the "lol-get-your-butt-on-these-invitations-cuz-you're-family" bridesmaid. goofy But I loved it!)

(From Mid August - End of September):

Family up the wazoo. I have had at least four different groups of family come out and visit us, all in the span of a month. One of my mom's cousins is a truck driver from Missouri and he keeps bringing out peoples that are related that I kinda/sorta know.

My grandparents' 50th anniversary (and all ensuing other family chaos).

My other friends' wedding, which was less work (not a bridesmaid) but still a stress to get ready for. But lots of fun! thumbsup

My brother bought a car as-is from someone on craigslist, which promptly broke down three blocks away. That was a bad week.

More Missouri family in the last week.

And on top of that, new shows (CASTLE, everybody!!! clap ) and work and just day-to-day stresses. However, hopefully things will be starting to settle down soon and I swear I'm getting back to writing again because I miss it and all of you too much. laugh

Whew. I didn't realize how much that was until I got it all out in a list!

EDIT: Oh, and the King Fire. Forgot to mention that. It didn't hit us, but we were scary-close. The smoke was killing us-- major headaches and difficulty breathing. The smoke was bad enough that they cancelled my brother's school for it (and we got nine inches of snow last year, and they didn't cancel a day). It's crazy when you have to go into the city to get some fresher air. dizzy

Last edited by Mouserocks; 10/02/14 02:49 AM.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain