Morgana: To answer your question, TV is what we all watched at night roughly 20 years ago before the Internet took Elvis's crown wink and, by the sound of everyone's posts, the workweek got bumped up to 60 hours/wk.

Lady Loisette: I have to say it sounds like you have a really fun job. Can I be envious?

IncompleteSong: hyper yea! Another work in progress!

Deadly Chakram: Don't worry about missing some of my stories; Wrong Clark will be posting for many, many months to come. wallbash I will be posting my short 3-part auction piece for KK in a couple of weeks for those of you with not enough hours in the day for my soap opera.

Terry: I'm sorry to hear that you're being bogged down with crises. Well, at least, it's fodder for your next story, right? /starts singing along with Lex and Nigel about grey clouds having a silver lining/ peep That's sweet that your niece wanted you to be such a large part of her special day. Take it for the compliment that it is. smile

Laura: I didn't feel as if the interview went well. Perhaps I just got that vibe because, and I'm quoting here, "shy and introverted people wouldn't do well in this position because they can't talk to people." Wow, that's ignorance and pretty darn insulting. I didn't describe myself as shy or introverted (I'm smarter than that), but I do have over 10 years of customer service experience and it hasn't held me back, yet. Well, 9 more tortuous interviews like that and my self-confidence shall liquid sludge on the floor. Let's hope I get a new job before I have to suffer through that. Only two more months until my husband's new 60+hr/week job is over, so no pressure.

Lynn: I hope you've been able to recover from your cold. The one I caught from my kids (which lasted 48 hours for them) is still stuck in my chest, leaving me with hacking coughs several weeks later. Joy. Then, again, it may be a holdover of the cold I caught in June (yes, JUNE), which has been plaguing me all summer with runny nose and cough.

IolantheAlias: Wow, you've gotten a lot accomplished (albeit, some of it unwillingly) this year. Isn't that what money is for? To put in a new boat for your contractor and/or plumber to use on his holidays? I'm envious of your completed painting job. Paint is now discretionary money, so my puce brown office (stating it kindly) will remain so for the foreseeable future. My husband also doesn't want me to change the trim color from natural (walnut?) brown to almond, so now I have to find another color than maroon to use. Sigh. So much for my dream of a red room.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.