Well, it's been more than just the past month... peep More like the past four years... but I basically blame NaNoWriMo for it. No sooner had I started posting my first story here, back in '10 (literally, just the first chapter!), than NaNo came around, and my Babylon 5 muse apparently found Kryptonite and killed my L&C muse. goofy I've done NaNo every year since then, but other muses (Castle, SVU, Doctor Who) have consistently been more vocal. But last year, for one of the Camp NaNo sessions (which allow flexible word count goals), I actually went back to my L&C fic and finished writing it, and this year for NaNo I'm writing its sequel. So I'm hoping to stay active this time!

(Also, work basically ate my brain this year - one project lasted for five full months, when they're usually only 4-6 weeks! And I also have several shows I'm trying to keep up with: Castle, Doctor Who, SVU, Once Upon a Time, and Agents of SHIELD.)


"Being with you is stronger than me alone."