44. Dave Barry is Not Making This Up, by Dave Barry

A collection of Dave Barry's columns from the Miami Herald. They're pretty funny (and frequently juvenile). It's easy to see why Barry won a Pulitzer Prize for social commentary.

45. Real Ponies Don't Go Oink, by Patrick F. McManus
45.The Good Samaritan Strikes Again, by Patrick F. McManus
47. Never Sniff a Gift Fish, by Patrick F. McManus

I love reading these books, and they've renewed my interest in the great outdoors.

48. Tricky Business, by Dave Barry

A bunch of people with names suspiciously like those of the crew of the Titanic board a Florida gambling boat in a hurricane for a drug drop. Things go hilariously wrong.

49. The Bar Code Tattoo, by Suzanne Weyn

A dystopian novel set in the near future, in which every person is required to have a barcode tattoo with all their information in it. Unfortunately, the corporate-owned government misuses that information and ruins people's lives.

50. Jennifer Government, by Max Barry

A dystopian novel in which corporations run the world and government power is extremely limited.

51. Hayduke Lives!, by Edward Abbey

The sequel to the novel 'The Monkey Wrench Gang', in which the members of the ecoterrorist group, led by George Washington Hayduke, who was presumed dead at the end of the last novel, continue to wreak havoc on the corporate interests destroying the American West.

52. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, by Jared Diamond

This book details the rise and fall of various societies throughout history, emphasizing the complex causes of their eventual collapses and comparing them with the world today and the debate over whether our modern global society will succeed or fail.

After the last four books, all heavy reading, I think I'll take a break and read some fanfic instead.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland