Additionally, the reason for his death was too vague and, well, frankly, not explained. It seemed like graphic violence for no reason at all, other than to scare the reader.
I have always heard that Aslan is a metaphor for Jesus, and that his death is a version of the Crucifixion. Of course Jesus and Aslan are both resurrected.

C. S. Lewis was known for being a prominent Catholic apologist. Another interesting something I've heard (and I don't know how true this is, but it's interesting to speculate) is that the seven books of the "Narnia" series can each be tied to a specific Catholic sacrament:

1) "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" - obviously Communion/Eucharist, the willing sacrifice.

2) "The Magician's Nephew" - Baptism, where everything is made new.

3) "Prince Caspian" - Confirmation. In "LWW", the humans accept Aslan/Jesus as their savior. By the time of Prince Caspian, the humans of Narnia have fallen away from "Aslan worship" (if there is such a thing) and the Pevensey children serve as the means for the Narnians to rededicate themselves.

4) "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" - Holy Orders, where one goes to seek God. Note the symbolism in Reepicheep going off into the sea filled with lilies, and meeting a Lamb (the classic symbol for Christ.)

5) "The Silver Chair" - Penance. Eustace, Jill, and their Marsh-wiggle friend keep on messing up, but despite their sins are able to finish Aslan's mission after all.

6) "The Horse and His Boy" - Marriage. Aravis and Shasta meet and will eventually get married.

7) "The Last Battle" - Extreme Unction, Last Rites. Obvious, given the subject matter. I will say that this is the book which I liked the least of the series. Now that I'm older, I can see a little bit of the theological underpinnings behind the story. Lewis does work in the "Plato's Cave" analogy, which I of course totally missed when I was a kid but picked up on it when I got a few more years and a little more education.