Firstly, because she was the best investigative reporter Metropolis, and possibly the world, had ever seen and the sexist pig thought he could distract her from the foul stench emanating from LexCorp by romancing her.

I'm surprised Lois considers the posibility there has ever been a better investigative reporter.

It would explain the Kryptonite jewelry, the bugs in her apartment, and even possibly the underground copy of her apartment he had made for her. Could Lex have created his underground lair and the Nightfall Virus just to capture Lois?

Not likely, since it seems he was working on the lair before he ever took notice of Lois.

Okay, she understood the reasoning behind Clark’s lies… well, the reasoning his deluded mind thought was logical.

Clark really needs to tell her what is actually happening.

He hadn’t been able to trust her. Firstly, she had been enamored with his Super side, while rejecting the so-called human side he had created so that they could date in safety.

While letting her know that he didn't do it just for her might hurt a little, it would make his actions make more sense. Otherwise his refusal to pretend to date her as CK so she could really date him as SM makes no sense.

She wished Clark believed that now, but she understood why he didn’t.

Even if he does believe it now, she needs actions that show he believes it.

John Pack Lambert