Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
[b]27. The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become The Smartest Person In The World by A.J. Jacobs. From the jacket blurb: "Part memoir and part education (or lack thereof), The Know-It-All chronicles A.J. Jacobs' hilarious, enlightening, and seemingly impossible quest to read the Encyclopaedia Britannica from A to Z."

His second book, "The Year of Living Biblically," is even better. I read the second one first and was so glad I did. He decided to read the entire Bible and live as it instructs for a full year, including stoning an adulterer. He throws pebbles at the guy, because the Bible never specified how big the stones had to be...

Anne >^,,^<

"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993