16) Gods of Tin by James Salker. An assortment of fictional and factual accounts of air combat during the Korean War.
17) Korean War by Maurice Isseman. A brief outline of the major engagements during the Korean War (with a few M*A*S*H references tossed in).
18) The Coldest Winter by David Halberstam. A detailed history of the Korean War based on personal accounts of the people who pulled the triggers and/or hung around the commanders on all sides.
19) A Time to Speak by Robert Bork. A selection of legal briefs and arguments before the US Supreme Court. (I did not know, for example, that in the early 1970's Bork was Solicitor General of the United States.)
20) Hostile Takeover by Susan Shwartz. S-F. Weak on character development but long on science. an interesting description of life within an enclosed asteroid with less than 1/20th Earth's gravity.
21) Medalon
22) Treason Keep
23) Harshini
by Jennifer Fallon. Series fantasy with lots of interesting characters and some surprising plot twists.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing