Well, I'm doing better with one you recommended, Iolan. wink

I read a Lois McMaster Bujold book several years ago and it bored me to tears. Can't remember which one it was, now. But a while back, I picked up Paladin of Souls in the charity shop and kept it on my shelf because the blurb sounded interesting and it was a lovely edition. I briefly thought about buying book one and actually reading it, but never got there!

Then I saw your post and decided to give it a go. Bought a second-hand copy of Curse of Chalion. It's early days yet - I'm just at the point where Iselle and her friends ride into the keep, but have to say that I'm really enjoying it so far. Love the characters.

In the meantime, I'm updating with:

#11 Pillars of Creation - Terry Goodkind

Yup, still working my way through this series. Have to say that this one might be my favourite of all of them. I was glad that we were dealing with all new characters because after the first few books I found Richard and Kahlan to be boring. Mostly, I think, because their story, for me, really seemed to be finished with not a lot else to say several books back.

I liked the characters in this one and there was enough drama and tension to keep me interested. I especially liked the thought processes of Oba and the way in which he twisted the responses of other people to him to fit in with his theory of himself as being a great king everyone admired and respected. It was a persuasive characteristation of a sociopath.

I did think it all ended too abruptly and conveniently - complete with goat which must have had the swiftest pregnancy ever in the history of creation - but, what the heck, I'm never loath to read a happy ending. laugh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers