#44 Show of Evil - William Diehl

This one was a re-read. I'd only read it once before, a couple of years back and I've set myself the goal of checking out all the novels sitting on my shelves which match that criteria again. I enjoyed this one so much second time around that I bought the first and third books in the trilogy.

#45 Mortal Stakes
#46 Promised Land
#47 The Judas Goat
#48 Looking for Rachel Wallace
#49 Early Autumn
#50 A Savage Place
#51 Ceremony
#52 The Widening Gyre
#53 Valediction
#54 A Catskill Eagle

All by Robert B. Parker and all, of course, Spenser novels. I've been having a whale of a time working my way through this series. So far, I haven't found a turkey in the bunch. Just two complaints - first is how short some of these older novels are, which means I'm getting through most of them in a couple of hours.

Secondly, I started to get irked by Susan in Valediction and really loathed her in ACE - her behaviour in both novels was outrageous! Thankfully, she's back on track in the next novel, which I'm almost done with, so she's slowly working her way back into my good books.

One of the things I'm enjoying with this series is that minor characters re-appear in later books - I enjoy that continuity.

Still a lot to get through, so looking forward to some happy hours. dance

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers