OK, everyone, the new year is here, so it's time to start new lists! I'll start.

1. The Book of Basketball by Bill Simmons.
Not sure if this counts, because it's 700 pages, and I only read the last 100 in 2010.
Recommended, even for those (like me) who don't know a lot about basketball, because it's just so much darn fun to read! Bill Simmons (columnist on ESPN.com, known as The Sports Guy) has a way of mixing popular culture with sports. Plus, he has the most excellent footnotes. (who else would compare basketball players to characters in the "Godfather" movies?)

2. Off Armageddon Reef
3. By Schism Rent Asunder
4. By Heresies Distressed

All by David Weber, probably best known for the science fiction "Honor Harrington" series. Fun if you like descriptions of naval combat in the days of sailing ships (and even if you don't, it's obvious the author has Done The Research, so he makes it interesting.) Also an interesting science-fictional take on the Reformation. Better than I'm making it sound.

5. The Pigman by Paul Zindel.
Can you believe that this has been out for so many years and I've never read it till now? Marketed as a Young Adult (YA) book but thought-provoking and interesting to just about all ages over thirteen.

6. Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce.
Enjoyable YA book set in Pierce's world of Tortall, where Beka Cooper, apprentice Dog (policewoman) takes on a counterfeiting ring.