I actually found the Orii much more interesting in the last two episodes - still no trace of any shivers down the spine, mind you.

I did enjoy this one. Given your posts above, Pam, I laughed double-hard at Sam's "What's with the backup singer?" remark. goofy

It was just great to see Sam back.

I loved the 'Jack' moments (could just see the smirk on his face when he put the phone down on teasing Landry).

Liked Landry much better this week. I liked him in Avalon but since then I've found it hard to get a handle on his character and he's often seemed quite bland. Maybe it was just the difference between giving him something to do besides admin stuff. I enjoyed his interactions with the Goa'uld (who was a lot of fun himself).

Vala and Daniel were a hilarious double act as usual. Yes I'm going to miss her too, but I'm sure she'll turn up later in the season, or even in a later season, alive and well and having turned the situation to her advantage as usual. Although, I think her leaving was a necessary evil, because I was getting the definite feeling the team weren't going to get back together until she did, I wouldn't mind her popping back for the odd single episode here and there in the future, at all.

I was a bit disappointed with the lack of personal character beats in this one. Or, let's say, I would have been if I hadn't suspected in advance that TPTB were going to stiff us on that angle again and was very firmly not expecting to see them so I wouldn't be. The official summary for this episode claimed 'Sam returns to the SGC, despite mixed feelings and personal issues' Where? Where were those? I didn't see any trace of that. She appeared at the SGC as ordered, jumped right in, got on with it. I hate that they keep doing that to us this season, promising these things then not delivering. Especially as it's these character beats which I enjoy most in the show.

I didn't really see much team in this one - Sam acted more as an advisor. But it's the start, and I'm looking forward to team from this point on and seeing how the characters bond with Mitchell. Who I hope begins to come into his own now. He's been overshadowed a bit and shoved into the background by Vala. Which wasn't a mistake, I don't think. I think I'd have resented him coming in strong right from the start. I like the slow build up, but I'm at the point now where I'd like to see him start to take charge.

Talking of which...interesting that he introduced himself as the leader of SG1. There's been a huge debate among fans as to who would lead the team and whether Mitchell would usurp Carter's place. Looks like we have the answer to that. Not sure how I feel about that.

Oh and last thing, I goofy

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers