I finally watched these episodes (SG-1, Atlantis, and BSG) after finishing up the latest Harry Potter novel. I was pleasantly surprised by all three of them.

Vala was absolutely hilarious. I really enjoyed the episode she was in last season and enjoyed this one even more. It's pretty clear to me that Daniel really does have a thing for her since she can get under his skin so easily. And she likes him a lot, else she wouldn't pick on him so much. I wouldn't mind seeing the two off and on throughout the season, rather than in just the first few episodes. Daniel makes a great straight man but gets in his moments as well. Besides, he needs someone new since his dead wife is on Six Feet Under.

I'll withhold judgment on Lt. Col. Mitchell for now. It did seem he was trying too hard after the rug was pulled out from under him. As it's set up so far, I still don't seem Mitchell bringing the team back together on a permanent basis. I hope they don't try the ad hoc method the whole season like all the contrived methods the Star Trek movies used to bring Worf on board the Enterprise. That would get old really fast.

I never saw Farscape, so I don't connect the two actors together. But it does make me wonder how those two reacted to being on-screen at the same time on a completely different show.

Atlantis was interesting. Bringing in Mitch Pileggi of X-Files fame was a nice move. That'll be interesting to see how he interacts with Dr. Weir.

I'm still undecided on BSG. I like it so I'll continue watching, but I've yet to connect with any of the characters. Maybe I'm still too attached to the 70's version? wink

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin