Originally posted by Bettina Baumann:
Originally posted by ChiefPam:
[b]So the doctor is the general's daughter? I must have missed that <g> I was thinking more along the lines of "ex-wife"! But she seems cool so far, anyway.
Well, recalling that scene I don't think that it was told clearly but there WAS a mention of the General's daughter to Vala .. and via google I've found my suspicion confirmed on some Australian fanpage.

By the way, is it just me or does SG-1 look like a big mix of tvshow-rejects. There's obviously the Cameron/Vala couple from Farscape and now that I've got a closer look at the General's daughter I noticed her source in Andromeda. That can be seconded only by a Kevin Sorbo special appearance as Hercules .. sorry, Dylan Hunt rotflol [/b]
I did not get the impression that the doctor was related to the General at all. I was thinking ex-wife, too. I'm going to have to go rewatch that scene again.

Of course, the actress is Lexa Doig of Andromeda, who met her husband, Michael Shanks, when he guest starred on that show.

I'm not surprised the shows now have ten second beginning credits. It seems most shows on network TV are like that, too. So not only are the credits getting shorter but the shows are as well. Just a few years ago, one hour shows were 46 minutes long. Then they dropped to 44 minutes. Now they're down to 42 minutes, all so the networks can pile on more commercials that we fast-forward through with our TiVo's and VCR's. In another couple of years, they'll probably drop to 35 minutes. frown

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin