I was going to stay out of this discussion because I'm not an avid fan of any of the shows, and often miss them due to real life. But then I thought, what the heck, it beats mowing the grass.

Of the three I prefer Galactica. The tone is a bit darker, and while the stories are very much character driven there is still a fair amount of action in the show. The diversity of the subplots is also a point of enjoyment. The Sharon 'dilemna' is fun and I like Starbuck's mercurial character. I greatly dislike Baltar and Six (but then I guess I'm supposed to).

It's true that Atlantis is the weak sister of the trio. I think that's mainly because of a weaker cast. Outside of Tori Higginson, (who I like a lot) the rest of the cast doesn't hold much interest for me.

I don't have any history with Farscape so Ben and Claudia come in with no past baggage. I always liked Lexa in the occasional episodes of Andromeda that I've seen over the years. Still, as the doctor I don't see her being a big part of the show. The biggest problem that I see with Stargate is that it's gotten awfully 'talky' over the last couple of years. All the problems have gotten beyond the one episode excursions and have moved into these universe altering situations which have depersonalized the action.

Tank (who seems to recall that Farscape had a different male lead when it first started... didn't it?)