It is just as good as SG1
Unfortunately, I find it boring, James. <g> I watched it from the pilot, enjoyed the pilot actually, but then found myself bored rigid for an hour pretty quickly thereafter. I had given up on recording the show by about episode 6 and stopped watching altogether by episode 9.

I haven't read anything in spoilers since that has made me interested enough to go back to it. I can't work up much interest in many of the characters - the only two I could bear to watch were MacKay (who I adored in SG1) and...um...Carson is it? The Scottish one. Who just cracks me up laughing. But neither is enough to make me sit in front of the screen for an hour each week.

So I am less than pleased to hear that they are starting to cross the two shows in this second season. And if they take it to the stage where things which happen in SG1 make no sense because I haven't seen the relevent Atlantis episode, you'll hear a small nuclear explosion going off in central Scotland. :p mad :rolleyes:


On the other hand...and having said all that...I did catch the odd moment of some S1 episodes recently and found them...not as boring as I recalled them being.

This could be another case of LabRat hates a show for no good reason and then discovers she adores it around about S4, leading to much scrabbling around trying to find the episodes she's missed...

I have a bad feeling. goofy

LabRat smile (who might even get the recorder fired up for the rest of S1's reruns on C5. Just, in case, you know, I might watch it...maybe... )

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers