The whole historical background around the Ancients and their work to 'hide' the human race and their galaxies from the Ori is one of the many things, Daniel will definitely look into. Their arrogance and power reminded me of the Goa'uld in the beginning of the series, their collective consciousness on the other hand is a trait from the Borg. Last but not least, there's also this kind of 'resistance' group which Fannis is part of.
Yeah, see this is part of my boredom, because I've really never been interested in the backhistory of the Ancients at all. This will be the interesting part of this for those fans who are interested in this angle though, I agree. But it's just not intriguing for me, unfortunately.

And there are too many been there, done that echoes to all of that. Fannis and the resistance - read Tok'ra, for example. So I don't feel I'm getting to see anything new and fresh. But then that's really very hard to do in a TV show. Especially one that been on the air for nine seasons. So although I'm sad and frustrated and annoyed that I'm bored, I do have some sympathy for the writers, too. It was never going to be an easy task.

Okay, sounds not like a first class plot (yes, that was looking better in Avalon pt 2) but there are options. IMO it's difficult too, inventing a new evil force after more or less finding peace with the Jaffa.
Yes, I'll confess that my hopes for the Ori weren't high to start with even before S9 began. They would have had to have come up with something hugely original and fresh to make them surpass the Goa'uld for sheer spookiness and jeopardy (and even the Goa'uld weren't half as threatening in later seasons as they were in the first few) and I really suspected they couldn't pull it off. Still somewhat disappointed though to find out I was right. laugh

For me, the Goa'uld were the Borg. Because they both had that extra element that really gave me chills. They wouldn't just kill you. They could take you over, make you turn against those you were loyal to and cared about. A real fate worse than death. And, in fact, the Goa'uld were worse than the Borg for that angle because at least if you were turned into a Borg you didn't remember (or most didn't) your previous humanity and history. The Goa'uld could make you live in a corner of your mind, helpless to act, powerless to stop them, and make you torture or kill your friends with your own hands, do unspeakable things, for hundreds of years. And that was truly terrifying.

The Ori? They can kill you. So, I tend to think - big deal. Unless, I missed something. Which, considering how bored I was watching Origin, isn't unlikely. goofy I know they took over the (Prior?) at the end and turned him into a (doci?). But, again, even if they can do that to you, that's just aping the Goa'uld. It's not anything we've not seen already. So that doesn't really impress me either as regards to how huge a threat they are.

I do want to add something I did like about Origin though, which I forgot to do earlier. And that's the relationship of Daniel and Vala. There have been the inevitable calls for ship between them from some fans, but I really don't see them that way. I see them more in the sense that TPTB apparently do from what's been said. Big brother, younger annoying sister. And the reactions of Daniel to her - that exasperation and irritation mixed with fond indulgence, is very cute to watch.

That's mostly why I'm looking forward to next week and Ties That Bind. Seeing them working together has always been fun so far.

As for Ripple Effect - I've been avoiding reading too much about that one as that was the one thing I decided I wasn't going to know about till I watched the episode. Who the returnee was. So I have no idea who it is, haven't read any spoilers etc.

I hadn't considered it being Jack and I supposed it could be, but I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying that RDA isn't contracted for any more episodes this year. Course, they could be telling us that, just so it's a surprise. So anything is possible.

I think most fans are tending to look further back than Jack though. To Frasier or Skaara perhaps. Both of whom would definitely come under the category of much-loved and much-missed. Or even Jacob or Martouf. My money, for the moment, would be on Frasier. We know it's not a permanent return, but only for that one episode, so all bets are off really. Could be anyone from the past.

Hmmmmmmm. You've got me wondering now. If it's a ship episode focusing on Carter...okay, my money's off Frasier and on to Martouf. <G> Or Narim. (Although I get the impression he was less 'ML/MM' and fans were more ambivulent about him and his relationship with Sam than they were about Martouf, so maybe not)

Didn't I say I wasn't going to speculate on this? <sigh> I'm hopeless. laugh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers