For being hazy on the details you either have a remarkable memory or you're a very fond fan laugh Thanks for helping me out with these answers, it does make more sense now. The mistake was originally mine as I confused the fictional Homeworld Security for the real-life Department of Homeland Security.

Pam, you're the second with this suggestion and I slowly start thinking that it might be worth it. Did I miss something or were you both Farscape fans too? Sorry, just joking smile

I partly agree with you about the writing as the most important part at all but in the course of time you get used to something and it's hard to break a habit. Personally I don't know if I should feel old about not wanting to change or if there's enough to claim my stubbornness on. When I started watching the show several years ago it was only because of R.D. Anderson and for a long time it stayed that way. Naturally you cannot keep watching a show simply ogling their main character (though that would have been a justifiable exuse) so my interest in the story itself grew and for years I've been a moderate fan.

Considering the situation in a more realistic way, it's probably good to see him leave the show as I don't think the character is cut out for a desk-job. This 'rumor' about Jack retiring, that's imo nothing more than a shipper request on a show simply not cut out for romance. About Jack again receiving a promotion after he left the SGC - wow, 2 General promotions in one year, that's a world record laugh