I'm enjoying Avalon, but it's mostly set-up.

I personally wasn't too happy with the tests. They could have done a much better job, IMHO.

I came up with an answer to Daniel's riddle where you switch the pots, and thereby symbolically switch the nouns in the sentences. "The universe is inside this pot." "The treasure is infinite." It's a riddle about knowledge. Given inifinite knowledge about a single point (and sufficient time and processing power), you can extrapolate the rest of the universe. But, even knowing where everything in the universe is, there's still a lot more to learn.

I think that would have been a much better solution than basing Daniel's on an ancient proverb and Mitchel's on a pun. Wasn't too happy about the next phase being trial by combat, either.

The thing is... that whole cave resolution seemed kind of perfunctory. "Okay, ancient knowledge... needs a test. Let's throw something together and get past it so we can move on to the rest of the plot."

I'm curious about the Ori, though. Their nature, their intentions, their role.

Oh, and poor Teal'c. There's a lot of potential for good plot (or subplot) there, but I feel bad for him, seeing him torn between loyalties and watching everything he worked for start to turn sour...

Anyway, we're having some fun discussions over on the TV Show Boards Stargate Boards . It's quiet, but polite and interesting. (I go by my initials there, BTW... Just the way I started out with that whole section of boards, and... *shrug*)

As for Landry... Yeah, I was thinking ex-wife, too, from that last comment as she was walking out the door. Anyway, looks to be an interesting dynamic. It'll be cool to see it in action.


P.S. Atlantis is, IMO, looking weaker this season (though still watchable), but are there any Gallactica fans here?

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.